Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Here we go...

It's Time.
Time to pack my bags and get out of here! The plane leaves on Saturday. Holy cow. I'm so excited for the wedding. Claire and Charlie are such an amazing couple. I've known Claire for so long and she's just so much happier now that Charlie is in her life. I'm so happy for the two of them, and to top it off, they're coming back to the states in just a few short months! woo hoo!!

He's rather tall, but it works. :)

The wedding will be in Ravello on the Amalfi Coast. I don't know much about the area, but I hear we're going on a day trip to see Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvius. Being somewhat of a science nerd, that excites me. After the wedding, I'll be spending a few days back in Rome to really enjoy the sights of Vatican City. Last year when I was there we ran out of time and had to rush through. There were too many beautiful things to see that deserve time. So here we go!
Vatican City-The picture is dark and crooked. Must try harder to focus on this year's trip. :)

And Then...
Off to London to hang out with Claire and Charlie. We're looking at going to a theatre show, and I'm also looking at day trips to Paris since it's only 2 hours away by train. On Friday it's back to Rome to catch my flight back home. Fast and furious, but should be a wonderful trip.

I'll relax. Soon. If I can...
finish making accommodations for Rome
Buy a jacket since none of my winter clothes from last year fit
Finish my evaluation plus a million other things for work that can't wait until I get back
Get my straightener that I left in Port Lavaca
Clean my apartment and make Judy a key so she can check my mail while I'm gone
Take my dress to the cleaners to be ironed
I'm sure there are other things I'm forgetting...ack...hopefully I'll remember soon.
about how i feel right now. Everything will be better on Saturday!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

hi neglected blog

Elena's life, stated in the most random of thoughts:

1. It's football season.
For me this means driving to Port Lavaca almost every weekend to watch the nephews play. Both the boys play their heart out and love the game. To me, this is exactly what football is all about. Hard work, open minds, and tough skin. Good lessons to be learned at all ages.

2. I'm going to Italy/somewhere in three weeks.
This trip is coming up so fast and there is so much unknown. The first week is planned, done--can't wait for claire's wedding. It's going to be so beautiful and awesome in a beautiful little town in Italy. But after the wedding I can't decide what to do. Should I go to London and stay with Claire and Charlie? or should I go to Scotland? Paris? Must make up mind very soon.

3. It's cold/allergy season.
Disadvantages of having a cold:
  • feeling like crap
  • thinking you're getting over feeling like crap, but the realizing a new symptom has started, for instance, "wow I don't feel like there's a 10lb weight on my chest anymore, but, hmm, wait, are those boogers running down my face?"
  • the loopiness from the cold/congestion/sinus meds i've been taking. I seriously considered snorting a pixie stick tonight to clear my nose. I know that's not MY mind talking.
Advantages of having a cold:
  • sleep, sleep, oh the sleep, how i've needed, craved, wanted you for so long
  • eating chicken noodle soup and oreos, because i can never remember if you feed a fever and starve a cold or the other way around. But in my loopiness, I determined oreos and chicken noodle soup to be the only thing i'd eat for three days.
  • The scale is being nice this week.
  • cuddling with the warmest, laziest dog on the planet. Rocko has slept every hour with me. What a great dog.

4. Biggest Loser
My motivation, the reason why I got off the couch a year and a half ago. It's back and I'm so excited. This is the first time I've watched and not felt like I'm one of them. That doesn't mean I won't cry when they do or feel their pain, but I'm passed that point. I figured out how to make the changes and I know it can be done! They can change their lives! Just give up the bad and focus on the good. Really, I hope they have the determination to make the changes necessary to become healthier physically and mentally and stick with it. Jillian looks meaner this year! Putting it in the books now, my biggest loser winner is Dan.

5. 50/50
Those are the odds. Friday we'll get a glimpse. That's about all I can say on this blog. ;)

6. Shoot
2nd Shooting a wedding with Keda this weekend. Excited, nervous, can't wait. But really, someone buy me a shootsac.

7. pictures
I'd planned on posting football pics, but the sudafed kicked in. so you get one, of muddy joshua. I can't tell you how proud I was when he sacked the quarterback. in the rain. We've since had a talk, and he knows now his job is (besides looking so darn cute) is to get the ball! I foresee recovered fumbles in his future....he's the big scary #45


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