Wednesday, October 28, 2009

wow I'm behind

Procrastination at its finest! I'm so good at this, I'm procrastinating the blog I made while I was procrastinating something else! AGH!

Blogposts I still need to post:

1. Italian Wedding-- At least I've posted the pictures on facebook, so i'm not *that* behind. But really, those pictures deserve stories.

2. The rest of the trip, including my conversations with a very grumpy french woman and a hotel connoisseur who didn't put down her cigarette to type. so awesome.

3. Football season. I missed 4 games this year, half the season. I feel terrible and I have very few pictures to show. Ugh. But the season ended well with a fun halloween party in our back yard. Post coming soon about the party, and i'm hoping to capture some great last games this weekend.

4. I dunno, just need to get back on track, start the monday questions again or maybe i'll change it up and do the 3 things about me thursday? grateful wednesdays? Hmmm something.

And the posts will start.....another time. It's midnight and I'm tired.

procrastinated yet again!

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