Wednesday, January 27, 2010

November 1, 1951-January 27, 2002

"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the
mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten
thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and
unspeakable love" -Washinton Irving


My best friend, my confidante, my mother. I miss you every single day. I'm happy you still show up in my dreams. It gives me peace to feel your spirit. Thank you for making me who I am today.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I heart faces weekly challenge: Texture

I love texture. I think it really adds to the artistic part of the photo. This is a photo of Faith during her 12 month photos. Really, blue eyes? I love them!!!

Click here for more entries to the I Heart Faces Weekly Challenge:

Tuesday Ramblings

Lesson Learned
Never trust the person you once considered your friend but then she went and acted crazy and you defriended her and are just getting back to where she's tolerable. Trusting her to not say anything even after you say with emphasis PLEASE DO NOT SAY ANYTHING is stupid and won't happen. Jerk.

Lesson learned and pain caused
When you don't exercise for like a month and then all of a sudden decide it's a great idea, your legs WILL try to break off and not be a part of you anymore. At the very least, all your muscles will shake every time you walk up or down stairs and you can't catch your breath to save your life for about an hour. You know what my favorite part of working out is? I stink. Like, really. So if I have somewhere to be after I work out, I have to take a shower. It takes me a good hour or so though to get my body temperature down. So trying to put on makeup after I work out and shower is ridiculous.

I think the dvr is the best invention EVER. I can now fall asleep and not worry about who won jeopardy or that late night tennis match. I can just click record and catch it in the morning. I feel so free.

Having an early bird boyfriend is nice b/c I eat breakfast more often on the weekends, but kind of sucks b/c we're both exhausted by 11pm. I know this schedule is better for me, I just miss my late late nights.

My dog can hold it for a really, really long time. He's awesome.

If there is any type of tape around me, I'm playing with it. I'll waste tape like crazy. No seriously, I just pulled two pieces of scotch tape off the roll and it's now sitting on my nose. I will not take a picture.

More pain
I just started a bet with my friends to work out 5 days a week. It's going to suck, but it's going to be awesome. This might pertain to number 2, as the bet started yesterday.

More Love
Hosting a baby shower is not easy work, but it kind of is. I truly appreciate all the help I've gotten from family and friends and am looking forward not only to the shower, but to meeting Baby Emma! I can't wait for her to get here!!! 3 short weeks left...

Nearing the end of an era...
My career is very important to me, and I think once my hair with a bumpit in it hits the glass ceiling, it's time to move on. So watch out people, I'm putting in the bumpit.

Not Awesomeness

Has anyone ever tried the bumpit? What a piece of CRAP.

And lastly, well said Mr. O Brian.
"All I ask of you is one thing:
please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism-
it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere.
Nobody in life gets exactly what they
thought they were going to get.
But if you work really hard and you're kind,
amazing things will happen. "

- Conan O'Brien's farewell speech

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I heart faces challenge: we are family

I love this challenge. I get to post one of my favorite pictures!

Von Mindens

Click here for more entries

Monday, January 11, 2010

I heart faces photo challenge: Best Face Photo

I heart faces is looking for the best face photo taken between december 09 and january '10. I made a deal with a girl from back home that I'd take pictures of her and her family anytime they wanted to if she'd give me free haircuts. If you've ever shelled out $95 for TRIM, you'll realize, this is quite the deal. So here's my entry this week. This is Baby Busa. His eyes pierce me.

Busa baby

Click here to view more entries!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

i heart faces weekly challenge

In celebration of their one year anniversary, this week's challenge was to incorporate the i heart faces name into your photo. Wow. I was looking at some of the others and some of these people's shots are amazing! I did my best, unfortunately, I only have time to submit one photo. Good luck this week!

I am submitting this photo into the I Heart Faces logo photo contest. By entering, I am granting I Heart Faces LLC permission to consider my photo for use in the marketing and promotion of their website

check out more of the entries here:

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Monday

The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance, but live right in it, under its roof.— Barbara Kingsolver.
Happy New Year! Hope everyone's holidays were enjoyable! I didn't take very many pictures this weekend, except I got a few shots of the most adorable family, the Von Mindens. The following questions I did for you, but I also plan to follow these statements for the rest of the year. 2010's the year of wonderfulness. 4 days in, so far so good!

1. I want you to look at other people and not judge them immediately. They could be going through so much more than you ever have.

2. I want you to accept that I will probably never be able to keep a secret.

3. I want you to
learn that differences are not a bad thing. Everyone is beautiful in their own amazing way.

4. I want you to
utilize all your talents. God gave em to ya for a reason.

5. I want you to give your heart to someone who truly deserves it.

6. I want you to be kind to others, but most importantly, yourself.

7. I want you to
practice what you preach. Stand up for what you believe is beautiful and right.

8. I want you to
feel everything life brings at you.

9. I want you to choose
the best options for you. It might not be the *right* option, but at the time, for you, will be the best.

10. I want you to
tell the world what a wonderful person you are, whether through your words or actions. Everyone needs to know!


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