Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Monday

The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance, but live right in it, under its roof.— Barbara Kingsolver.
Happy New Year! Hope everyone's holidays were enjoyable! I didn't take very many pictures this weekend, except I got a few shots of the most adorable family, the Von Mindens. The following questions I did for you, but I also plan to follow these statements for the rest of the year. 2010's the year of wonderfulness. 4 days in, so far so good!

1. I want you to look at other people and not judge them immediately. They could be going through so much more than you ever have.

2. I want you to accept that I will probably never be able to keep a secret.

3. I want you to
learn that differences are not a bad thing. Everyone is beautiful in their own amazing way.

4. I want you to
utilize all your talents. God gave em to ya for a reason.

5. I want you to give your heart to someone who truly deserves it.

6. I want you to be kind to others, but most importantly, yourself.

7. I want you to
practice what you preach. Stand up for what you believe is beautiful and right.

8. I want you to
feel everything life brings at you.

9. I want you to choose
the best options for you. It might not be the *right* option, but at the time, for you, will be the best.

10. I want you to
tell the world what a wonderful person you are, whether through your words or actions. Everyone needs to know!


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