Questions for Monday:
Mood: reserved
Craving: Chipotle
Highlight of my weekend: the boat ride in Port O Connor
Weekly Goals: wake up early 2 days this week to exercise
Fragrance: I may have overdone the hairspray, so I'm really smelling that this morning.
Quote of the day: Zen to Fitness had a really good article on the 20 Do's and Don'ts of Good Health. I'm posting that as my quote for the day.
Theme song: No Creo En Jamas, Juanes, for a couple reasons. #1: who doesn't want to see Juanes on a Monday!?! and #2: Translated, this song rocks.
Gotta get it done: i won't even say it, since it seems to never change.
Breakfast beverage: green chai tea
Grateful For: Swirrl, my favorite yogurt shop, for bringing back the 35 calorie goodness that is peanut butter yogurt. (it's the little things in life!)
The 20 Do's and Don'ts of Good Health, from Zen Fitness
1- Floss your teeth regularly
2- Think Postive and Healthy thoughts
3- Wear a Helmet during high risk sports and always wear a seatbelt
4- Do something you fear everyday
5- Eat healthy and get sun
6- Do a kind deed for someone else when you can
8- Spend time with your freinds and family when you can
10- Be as Honest as you can
11- Workout fasted
12- Keep your mind active through Maths, Quizzes, Crosswords
13- Keep a Gratitude Journal
14- Always have a goal or something to look forward to…..
15- Keep life in balance
16- Meditate or Practice deep relaxation/breathing
17- Do it Anyway and Take one day at a time
18- Do weights/resistance training regularly
19- Accept moods as moods and know they will pass…..
20- Watch your thoughts and Listen to Music
1- Focus on the Negative’s in Your Life
2- Dwell on how you feel/emotions
3- Eat refined foods from a box/package
4- Be unproductive
5- Take things for granted
6- Hide how you feel and lock up emotions
7- Avoid Excercise
8- Take perscription medicine unless you really know you need it
9- Give into struggles and slumps
10- Think in words like always, never, every time, every one
11- Make Assumptions
12- Hang around Toxic Smells and Chemicals
13- Use a Microwave
14- Drink from plastic Bottles
15- Let thoughts run over and over in your head
16- Withold love
17- Avoid eating fat
18- Let toxic people affect your life
19- Mull over things for too long
20- Fight to be right
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