Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here comes the bride...

My cousin Erica is getting married on June 6. Last Saturday we spent the day around the Brazosport College (is that what it's really called? I might have made that up) taking pictures. The day was bright, beautiful, and OH MY GOSH SO FREAKING HOT. With gam gam and little brody in tow, Rakeda and I got some great shots. It was a lot of fun! Erica is a stunning bride. Can't wait for the wedding! Here are some of my favorites:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today is the day to honor those who've served our country and lost their life. I'm not from a big military family, but to those who are, thank you. Thank you for your courage and strength.

It's a holiday but it's still Monday. We should have more Monday holidays.

Mood: procrastination-filled. (is that even a mood? or maybe the word is lazy)

Goal for the day: finish my laundry

Last movie I watched: Sister Act. love it!

Lipgloss, lipstick, chapstick, or naked? nothing today

Breakfast beverage: glass of milk

Goals for the week: get erica's bridal pics out

Theme song of the week: Jimmy Eat World, Chase this light

When I grow up, I wanna be ______: happy.

Things I’m really good at: biting my tongue

Things I need to work on: oh, you know.

bridal pics are coming soon...I took the sneak peak down because of a shadow issue. haha!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Google Reader Goodie...

I was quoted...are you ready for an EXERCISE blog?! haha I was perusing my google reader like I normally do (usually when I'm procrastinating my workouts) and I saw my name. How crazy/cool! Fitsugar had an article a few weeks ago asking readers what do you tell yourself to get through your workouts. I'm not typically a commenter, but if there's anyone who needs a mantra while working out, it's me. So I put down what I tell myself when I really really don't want to keep going. Well today they posted their favorites of the commenters and mine was on there. Cool huh?! :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Port O'Connor, Texas

Like I've already said, this weekend was nice hanging out with Dr. Miller. He was my boss in Huntsville for 4 years. Here's what I learned working at Doc's office:

1. Dr. Miller was always right. No matter how conservative Republican his view was, he was always right. I learned very quickly not to argue with him. About most things. Occasionally it was fun to get him riled up. haha
2. He liked to call me different names, which I inevitably had to get over. It started with Eloise and quickly moved to J-Lo. Towards the end it was treehugger and earth muffin. This weekend he called me princess several times. hilarious.
3. HE learned that just because you hire a Hispanic does not mean you've solved your language barrier problems. When he asked me to communicate to a patient in spanish I looked at him and said "did you SEE bilingual on my resume?" he was so mad it was hilarious!!!
3. The girls that worked for him were amazing. I learned so much from them. They're wonderful mothers to their children and were great advice givers to a crazy girl trying to make it through college...
4. Even after 4 years, i still miss them all. Hopefully we can all get together this summer in Port O'Connor.

Port O'Connor pictures:
Port O'Connor, Tx
Port O' Connor, Tx

Doc and Casey
Doc and Casey
little fish, but a fish none the less...
Bud on the boat
cap'n Bud
Bud overboard!
Bud after turn
Back at his post:
Bud back at his job

Monday, May 18, 2009

Good Morning Monday, I promise I won't curse you...

Another Monday. The weekend was good in Port Lavaca. Hooray for haircuts and pedicures! Oh and I got to see my favorite dentist, Doc Miller in Port O Connor, who was down for Warrior's weekend. I really wish I could've taken some pictures of the awesome fishing tournament that was going on for war veterans, but Doc took us on a boat ride and we missed the weigh in. Ah well, next time. The boat ride was fun, and it was nice catching up with Doc. Sunday was what I expected. I went to church with the family and then we went out to the cemetary. Really, I can't believe it's been three years.

Questions for Monday:

Mood: reserved
Craving: Chipotle
Highlight of my weekend: the boat ride in Port O Connor
Weekly Goals: wake up early 2 days this week to exercise

Fragrance: I may have overdone the hairspray, so I'm really smelling that this morning.
Quote of the day: Zen to Fitness had a really good article on the 20 Do's and Don'ts of Good Health. I'm posting that as my quote for the day.

Theme song: No Creo En Jamas, Juanes, for a couple reasons. #1: who doesn't want to see Juanes on a Monday!?! and #2: Translated, this song rocks.

Gotta get it done: i won't even say it, since it seems to never change.
Breakfast beverage: green chai tea

Grateful For: Swirrl, my favorite yogurt shop, for bringing back the 35 calorie goodness that is peanut butter yogurt. (it's the little things in life!)

The 20 Do's and Don'ts of Good Health, from Zen Fitness


1- Floss your teeth regularly

2- Think Postive and Healthy thoughts

3- Wear a Helmet during high risk sports and always wear a seatbelt

4- Do something you fear everyday

5- Eat healthy and get sun

6- Do a kind deed for someone else when you can

7- Accept what is……..

8- Spend time with your freinds and family when you can

9- Don't cheat

10- Be as Honest as you can

11- Workout fasted

12- Keep your mind active through Maths, Quizzes, Crosswords

13- Keep a Gratitude Journal

14- Always have a goal or something to look forward to…..

15- Keep life in balance

16- Meditate or Practice deep relaxation/breathing

17- Do it Anyway and Take one day at a time

18- Do weights/resistance training regularly

19- Accept moods as moods and know they will pass…..

20- Watch your thoughts and Listen to Music


1- Focus on the Negative’s in Your Life

2- Dwell on how you feel/emotions

3- Eat refined foods from a box/package

4- Be unproductive

5- Take things for granted

6- Hide how you feel and lock up emotions

7- Avoid Excercise

8- Take perscription medicine unless you really know you need it

9- Give into struggles and slumps

10- Think in words like always, never, every time, every one

11- Make Assumptions

12- Hang around Toxic Smells and Chemicals

13- Use a Microwave

14- Drink from plastic Bottles

15- Let thoughts run over and over in your head

16- Withold love

17- Avoid eating fat

18- Let toxic people affect your life

19- Mull over things for too long

20- Fight to be right

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Benavides Family

I have a ton of family. No seriously, a ton. If I get bored with any of my 24 first cousins on my mom's side alone, I can now choose from their husbands or kids, or move on to my second cousins. BreAna is my second cousin. We're the same age so we grew up together. We lost touch in college but all this social networking has brought us back together. I got to meet her beautiful family and catch up on the happenings in and outside of our family. She cooked me dinner too, which was delicious! I had such a great time. I can't wait to go back and hang out with her, Bobby and the boys. Or seriously Bre, if you ever need to get away, call me! I'm just up the road!

p.s. I'm not sure how many times I've published and taken down this post. Everything looks right in the preview but then I click post and the pictures are all messed up! ARGH!

p.p.s. I HATE the white border around these pictures but I can't figure out how to get it off. Any ideas? help!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mundane-less Monday...

Another set of Questions for Monday Monday Monday....

Mood: slightly nervous (about what? who knows!)

Goal for the day: Finish Breana's pictures and work on my thesis

Last movie I watched: I watched the end of My Cousin Vinny last night, does that count?

Lipgloss, lipstick, chapstick, or naked? Lipgloss. Usually the bigelow stuff from bath and body works

Breakfast beverage: milk or green/chai tea

Goals for the week: thesis. won't you/I be happy when that's not my goal anymore!?

Theme song of the week: Portions for Foxes, Rilo Kiley

When I grow up, I wanna be ______: one of those people that makes people happy because I'm happy.

Things I’m really good at: overthinking, missing obvious jokes, procrastinating :)

Things I need to work on: thesis before prof. mtg on Thursday, laundry

It's going to be a good week. I can feel it. There's this anticipation in the air. I had a fantastic weekend even though I'm sunburned and it hurts to wear clothes. Breana and her family are awesome! We had a great time taking pictures and catching up. Pictures coming soon!

your turn. Post on your blog or in the comments!


Goal for the day:

Last movie I watched:

Lipgloss, lipstick, chapstick, or naked?

Breakfast beverage:

Goals for the week:

Theme song of the week:

When I grow up, I wanna be ______:

Things I’m really good at:

Things I need to work on:


So this post is something that I've not really shared with anyone. until now...

Last year this time I was having a realization. A realization that I needed to get things right in my life. I felt super stressed and under appreciated, ridiculously obligated to things that didn't matter, unhappy, and disgusted in my own skin. At my annual checkup at the doctor's office, I finally did something that changed my life. I asked for help. I told her I wanted to lose weight. She recommended Dr. Hwang and Dr. Edwards, who run the UT Weight Managment Clinic. I went for an initial visit with them to discuss the program. Six months of learning portion control, foods, and what exercises I was capable of and that I could stick with. Dr. Hwang spent a lot of time examining my personal life, learning about my family, feelings, career, school, and social life. I really felt like I'd finally found something that I could stick with: no diet, just education and exercise. I lost 8 pounds in the first month, 9 the next. The weight just kept coming off. Changing my eating habits wasn't hard. The exercising took some time. Even though I still have to push myself to go (I call myself a lazy slob until I force myself off the couch. Somedays it takes 30 minutes, somedays 5 hours.), the results I'm seeing motivate me to keep going.

There are two days of the year that I don't fight back tears. January 27 and May 17. We're coming up to May 17. It was the worst day of my life. I got a phone call at work that my brother had passed away. My 29 year old brother died of a heart attack due to complications from obesity. How does that happen? Sure he wasn't a small guy, but he wasn't grossly obese either. It still stuns me and still feels like someone is hitting me in the stomach with a baseball bat when I think of him not here. I know he doesn't want me to be sad though. I have to be healthy, do things differently. For his kids, for my future kids, and for myself.

With that said (Goodness this is a long post), here's a little over halfway. Since this time last year, I have lost 65 pounds. Sure I've noticed it in my clothes, but I guess it took looking at old pictures to realize how much I've actually changed. crazy. Feeling better about myself, taking care of myself helped me realize the other things I was stressing about aren't important. I now come home everyday and think to myself how lucky I am to be doing exactly what I'm doing. I'm grateful.

p.s. The before picture isn't the best picture, but it's the only picture that i allowed last year that was all of me. Thanks to Neha for providing the "after picture" :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

How are you doing?

Maybe I'll start this every Monday. Or just this Monday. hee hee...

Mood: content.
Craving: watermelon
Highlight of my weekend: Sangria and brunch at Farrago. So chill, so good.
Weekly Goals: run 3 miles 3 times this week, and get a chunk of thesis done.

Fragrance: Calvin Klein Euphoria and Bath & Body Works Breathe Lotion (which was discontinued...sad!)
Quote of the day: from
"please stab me in the eye. It's monday again" or Keda, who just said "From now on, we make the plans. If they want in, they can come. If not, they can kick rocks. this is "The Keda" speaking."

Theme song: Call it off, Tegan and Sarah

Gotta get it done: thesis. now and forever. oh and some junk for work. =)
Breakfast beverage: it was a coffee morning, strangley.

Grateful For: good friends, good music on Pandora.

A blank copy for you to paste into your blog, or in the comments. Have a good week!

Highlight of my weekend:
Weekly Goals:

Quote of the day:

Theme song:

Gotta get it done:
Breakfast beverage:

Grateful For:


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